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8 Apex Legends Tips to Master the Arena

With Season 9 of Apex Legends bringing a new game mode, here are 8 tips to conquer the Arena. Instead of battle royale, this mode is a 3v3 eliminatory style mode. After choosing your weapons and consumables in the shop, you must help your team win 3 rounds against the other. These are just a few tricks to help along the way.

8 Apex Legends Tips To Master The Arena

Apex Legends‘ new mode has changed Battle Royale games forever. Respawn introduced the Arena, a 3v3 mode with elimination rounds and map rotations. This mode plays quite differently than the game’s normal battle royale, and if you’re not used to fast-paced combat, the Arena may eat you alive. Here are some tips to help you become a top predator in the Arena in Apex Legends.

1. Work as a team

This may seem a given in a team based game, but after playing for years now, I know what it’s like to have a teammate go off on their own as if they never even realized they had others on their team. Working as a team player is more crucial than ever in the Arena. Because of the small space you’re given, staying close to your team is important. It won’t take long for your enemies to find you or the other way around.

Here’s an example. Meet Jim, Tim and Bob. All three enter the Arena, but Jim and Tim forget they’re in a team based game. They run far away, and one by one get knocked by the other team, who are sticking together. Bob is now all alone facing 3 opponents, and will likely die unless Bob is a level 500 veteran. Basically, don’t be Jim or Tim. Be like Bob.

2. First weapon is critical

When you drop into the Arena, it doesn’t give you weapons for free. By using crafting materials, you can purchase from an array of weapons. But in the first round, you only have enough to buy one gun. Apex is a two-gun game, and most players by now are used to this. You’ll be given a second gun alongside your purchased one, but it’s still not very powerful. This means that your very first weapon is highly crucial to starting off the game strong.

So many options, so little time.

So many options, so little time.

Personally, I wouldn’t even consider a pistol or any gun you’re not familiar with. Sorry Mozambique fans, but that weapon won’t cut it. You still may have enough materials to purchase a gun upgrade, or a consumable. It’s up to you what you want to prioritize, but if you think you can handle not having an optic, maybe go for the health or shield.

3. Use your tactical wisely

Tacticals in Arena mode aren’t the same as in the battle royale mode. It won’t just have a cool-down and infinite usage. In the shop before each round, you’ll be granted one free tactical, but if you want to be able to use it more than once you have to pay up.

This not only means you have to decide if your Legend’s tactical is worth the materials, you also have to ensure you use them at the best times. If you use it and it ends up not working, that second chance may be needed. You have to know when and where to exactly use it, or else it may be wasted.

4. Be mindful of your position

Because the Arena is such a small area compared to the normal battle royale map, you have to be more mindful than ever of your positions. You can go whichever direction you please, but going the wrong way may lead to your death. This means keeping the high ground, not straying too far from your team and being wary of the ring.

There's an array of positions to take in these new maps.

There’s an array of positions to take in these new maps.

You don’t get much time before each ring closing. This one closes much faster than normal, pushing you further and further into a tighter space. Don’t get overwhelmed, but if there’s no high ground try not to be out in the open. Those first few ring closings also hurt you quite a bit, the Arena is no joke.

5. Collect extra loot

There’s more stuff around the Arena map than you think. Not only do you get crafting materials with each round, but there will be material canisters placed around the map for you to collect. A bonus is that you’re not the only one receiving 200 materials per canister, your teammates get them too.

Materials aren’t the only thing around the map. You’ll find supply bins with extra loot and consumables that may be useful to you. But it’s important to remember this is a team game, so sharing is caring. If you don’t have your teammates to back you up, it’s not likely you’ll win on your own.

6. Use the Bocek

I’m not saying every single person on your team should have a Bocek, but at least have one person with one. It’s not a guarantee for victory, but this new bow weapon is super fast and deals major damage. It’s a mid-range weapon, good for up close combat or for fighting a fair distance away.

Look at that beauty! Nothing like a good old-fashioned bow and arrow.

Look at that beauty! Nothing like a good old-fashioned bow and arrow.

This new impressive weapon is a must-try for any round of Arena mode. It can deal up to 70 damage if aimed correctly, and arrows can be picked back up after firing. I can tell you now that you’ll find most of your opponents using it, so why not use it back?

7. Communication is key

This sounds a lot like my other points, but I can’t stress this enough. If you have a mic or you’re with a squad you’re comfortable talking to, make sure to communicate with your teammates. Miscommunication can lead to death, which is why the ping system is also a viable option.

Communication isn’t just about telling your teammates that Valkyrie is on you as you’re getting pummelled by her jet smoke. It’s about letting them know where loot is, where your positions should be, if you should play it defensive or offensive, and much more. One of Apex’s most important systems is the ping system, so use it wisely.

It's hard to choose just 1 Legend out of 17.

It’s hard to choose just 1 Legend out of 17.

8. Choose the right Legend

Each Legend was made specifically tailored to the battle royale style of gameplay, but now that Arena mode is here, these characters play a little differently. There isn’t one Legend that would be bad in the Arena, but perhaps your normal main isn’t good for this type of gameplay.

As usual, having a balanced team is smart, but some of the Legend’s ultimates may not be suitable. Although, if you want to use your ultimate, that’s hidden behind a crafting material paywall as well. Instead of focusing on that, look at their passive and tactical. These are very important, as you can only use your tactical a certain amount of times. And remember, once you choose a Legend, you’re stuck with them the entire game.

I hope you found some of these Arena tips helpful! What are some of your best tips for conquering the Apex Arenas? Let me know in the comments!

1 Comment

  1. Avatar photo

    I’ve just been using the Bocek and Spitfire and they are OP! Def good that they’re nerfing it.


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