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Indie devs get married in Destiny thanks to Bungie

Two independent developers, Adriel Wallick and Rami Ismail, manage to tie the knot after proposing within the game world of Destiny, thanks to some special content created by Bungie.

Indie devs get married in Destiny thanks to Bungie
Love is a fickle thing, and sometimes it can be hard to find out just how to express your love for someone you care deeply for. For Adriel Wallick, the organizer for the annual Train Jam — a unique game jam in which developers are given 52 hours to create a game during a train ride from Chicago to San Francisco in preparation for the upcoming Game Developers Conference — she had proposed to her partner Rami Ismail, one of two people from the independent developer Vlambeer, known for their recent titles Luftrausers and Nuclear Throne.

Bungie, the team behind Destiny, and coming from a legacy of Halo titles, decided to help out the process for Adriel by giving her a few custom emotes, and sending Rami some special content through his postmaster.

Indie devs get married in Destiny thanks to Bungie message
Indie devs get married in Destiny thanks to Bungie ring
Adriel had implemented the proposal emote into the game, and Rami was gifted the Ring of Eternity. The whole ordeal was covered through a series of tweets given from both Rami Ismail and Adriel Wallick. Adriel had mentioned her worries about the recent DDoS attacks potentially ruining the whole moment at the time, but the whole stunt went off without any difficulties; making for a pretty magical moment in gaming.

Once the event was over, Adriel had tweeted her thanks to the entire Bungie team, citing Poria Torkan specifically for the help, "who somehow managed to convince an entire team at Bungie to dedicate time and effort to such a dorky proposal."

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